What's this about?

The WELL certification, differently from the previous ones described, places at the centre of the evaluation the psycho-physical conditions of those who occupy an internal area. The protocol is also managed in this case by the American USGBC, the same that deals with the issue of LEED certification.
The objective of the certification is to be able to manage and live in an optimal way the time spent inside closed environments, as they can be in the office or in industries. However, the certification is applicable to all types of buildings, including residential buildings.

Benessero Psico-fisico - Certificazione WELL


Comfort - Certificazione WELL


Moviemento - Certificazione WELL


Luce - Certificazione WELL


Acqua - Certificazione WELL


Aria - Certificazione WELL


Evaluation Process

In synthesis, the analysis to be carried out will be on:

  • Presence of organic and inorganic elements in the air
  • Presence of chemical and toxic elements in the water
  • Intensity, colour and light distribution
  • Indoor temperature, air changes
  • Noise level

The process of obtaining WELL certification is very similar to the one to obtain LEED. The reference figure is that of the WELL assessor, who carries out an assessment and fills in the WELL report, in which the results achieved by the scientific analysis carried out on the basis of the listed parameters are described.